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"Lend a Hand"

“Lend a Hand” was created by the Holm family to honor the legacy of George Frank Holm.  Funding for this memorial comes from family, friends, friends of family and friends, and so very many caring individuals and organizations who made donations honoring the life and memory of George after he passed away on February 11, 2018.  George lived a life of service.  He believed strongly that every act of kindness given to others and received from others is the substance and core that make the world a better place for all.  We choose to use this fund to support local youth who may have experienced personal hardships as a result of being placed into foster care while their family situations were being worked on to improve and heal from certain difficulties. Every family has a story, and while we strive to understand the obstacles that keep families apart, we believe it is imperative to show compassion to young people who have little control of their lives during this transitional period.   

A Note from Karen Holm:
George and I became a licensed foster home in 2010.  Being empty-nesters, we felt that we could offer our support to others in this role, mostly by doing respite care for other foster parents when they needed a trusting place for the children in their care to go for a day, a few days, or for a week or two.  Occasionally, we were called to do temporary placements when there was a disruption in a child’s current placement and time was needed to find a more long-term plan.  These children who came into our home made a lasting impact on us as well as on our grown children.  They will be in our hearts forever.   
My family’s hope for this fund is that we may offer some financial support to youth who are currently or have previously been in foster care. We would be honored to assist in continuing their education, whether through vocational schooling, college, or as George often referred to his own learning path, “the school of life.”  We encourage individuals who may have put off college for a few years or who would perhaps need funding to help with a new beginning in a stable job environment to apply. We also encourage individuals to apply even if they are not considering a higher education at this time. We would like to assist in making other opportunities a reality as well.  Examples include but are not limited to: a deposit on housing, a down payment on a car, an investment in a business venture, etc. Two awards will be available each year.  Current year graduating students or students who have earned their GED and are under the age of 25 when filling out an application are eligible to apply.  
George worked with youth in some capacity his entire adult life.  In Wakefield, Nebraska, he served on the TAP Organization for teachers, administrators, and parents.  He enjoyed his time as cub scout master and boy scout leader. While living in Wayne, he spent many hours garnering funding and community support for a local skate park.  As a business owner, he was able to support the youth in O’Neill through donations for all types of fundraising activities, from sports and the fine arts to supporting the many local church events and even attending Kiwanis with one of our young foster friends.  He served as an active member of the Rotary Club for 16 years. He was a member of the O’Neill Irish Walk of Fame group. He served on many committees as a Chamber of Commerce member and enjoyed all of the Summerfest fun and St. Pat’s celebrations. Overall, George loved to engage in work that helped to improve the community and would provide a safe, fun environment in which to live and raise a family.   
Our family was blessed to enjoy living in these Nebraska communities that shaped us and enhanced our lives in so many ways.  We are thankful for the amazing support that makes small town Nebraska The Good Life. With such support, we are eager to lend a hand to our young friends through the memory of our beloved George, who truly strove to be a friend to all.

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